Disclaimer and Information regarding Encinitas Counseling and Britta Voigt
The information contained herein is for informational purposes only, in itself not meant to replace in person therapy, and provided with the intent of describing the services, techniques and philosophy of practice of Britta Voigt, and the descriptions contained here are for the purpose of determining if said services would meet the needs of potential clients.
All information provided here is accurate at the time of publication. No guarantees are being made, either expressly or implied, as to individual results in the counseling process.
Ms Voigt and this site are not liable for any use or misuse of information contained here, and no information contained here is to substitute for the advice of a physician or attorney.
If you are experiencing a medical issue please contact your medical provider immediately.
If you are experiencing abuse, have witnessed abuse, or are entertaining thoughts of suicide or violence to another person, or experiencing any other severe mental health issues, contact 911 immediately.
All content on this site is copyrighted and may not be used or reproduced for commercial purposes. Reproduction of the contents here for private personal use is permitted. For any other use of this site's content, please contact Britta on the contact page or by phone.
Use of this site implies acceptance of above terms and limitations.
Ms Voigt and this site commits to the non sharing of any identifying information: name, phone number, email address, or anything related, to any third party, commercial or private. All information provided will be held in absolute confidence.
Any sharing of contact information to Ms Voigt via this site or contact number provided here, does implicitly give permission to Ms Voigt to respond to the contact, observing all privacy guidelines outlined above.